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Mark Rutte Dutch Prime Minister

Mark Rutte: Dutch Prime Minister

Early Life and Career

Mark Rutte was born on February 14, 1967, in The Hague, Netherlands. He studied history at Leiden University and worked in various business roles before entering politics.

Political Career

Rutte entered politics in 2002 as a member of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). He quickly rose through the ranks of the party and became its leader in 2006.

In the 2010 general election, the VVD emerged as the largest party in the Dutch parliament. Rutte was appointed Prime Minister in October 2010, forming a coalition government with the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) and the Freedom Party (PVV).


Rutte has served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands for over 12 years, making him the country's longest-serving Prime Minister in history. His tenure has been marked by a focus on fiscal austerity, economic growth, and social reforms.

Rutte has also played a prominent role in the European Union, advocating for a more fiscally responsible and competitive Europe. He has also been a vocal critic of Brexit and has called for a strong and united EU.
