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Acolyte Raid Shadow Legends

WEB Guide to Acolyte artifact and mastery - Raid Shadow Legends

Acolyte Overview

Acolyte is a Knight Revenant champion that does force damage and fills turn meter.


  • HP: 16,586
  • ATK: 1,162
  • DEF: 973
  • SPD: 105
  • CRIT RATE: 0%
  • CRIT DMG: 50%
  • RES: 0
  • ACC: 0

Acolyte Artifact Guide

The best artifacts for Acolyte are those that increase his damage output and survivability. Some good options include:

  • Offense: ATK%, CRIT DMG%, CDMG
  • Defense: HP%, DEF%, RES
  • Support: SPD, ACC, RES

Acolyte Mastery Guide

The best masteries for Acolyte are those that increase his damage output and survivability. Some good options include:

  • Offense: Warmaster, Giant Slayer, Critical Hit
  • Defense: Deflection, Resistance, Shield of Thorns
  • Support: Swift Parry, Retribution, Master Hexer


Acolyte is a versatile champion that can be used in a variety of roles. He is a strong damage dealer, and he can also provide support to his team with his turn meter filling abilities. With the right artifacts and masteries, Acolyte can be a valuable asset to any team.
